Brazil: Delivery workers protest against job insecurity in Brazil


By Victor Artavia (Izquierda Web Argentina)

This January 25, dozens of delivery men demonstrated at the doors of the Ifood company in São Paulo, denouncing the precarious labor conditions to which they are subjected by the transnational company.

In an atmosphere of combativeness and brotherhood, they held a “solidarity breakfast” and exposed their situation on the microphone.

Among the main demands of the mobilization are: participation in the federal regulation of modal applications; end of the OL (Logistics Operator) category; substantial readjustments of the races; end of multiple deliveries; return of the bicycle rental plan to R$ 9.90; insurance policy for distributors.

As Renato Assad, a Socialism or Barbarism militant, professor and supplementary income delivery man, declared, in the last fiscal semester the company had profits of 606 million dollars, a fortune that it amassed from the sweat and exploitation of hundreds of thousands of delivery men.

This mobilization took place at a time when the Lula government deployed a policy of containment of the union and social movements through the creation of “dialogue tables” in exchange for not holding protests. The bureaucratic leaders of the main union centrals joined this demobilizing operation without consulting the bases.

In this sense, the protest of the deliverers was a counterpoint to that conciliation tactic from above between four walls, and, on the contrary, called for a united return to the streets to fight for the rights of the working class.




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