Platform Workers Mobilize to the Argentine Consulate in California for the recognition of Sitrarepa


Delegations from 17 countries demand the labor recognition of Argentine distributors and their union. Delegations of workers from the platforms from 17 countries in America, Europe and Asia mobilized this afternoon in the city of Los Angeles, California.

They were present at the Argentine Consulate in that city to demand recognition of SITRAREPA (Base Union of Delivery Workers by Application), the Argentine union of PedidosYa and Rappi workers. «Long live the international solidarity of the working class! Long live the first international congress of workers by application”, they commented from SITRAREPA through their social networks. The young Argentine union has spent two years disputing the recognition of its organization by the Ministry of Labor of Argentina.

With thousands of affiliates throughout the country, SITRAREPA is considered the first union of its kind in this new field of work. Their main claim, together with union recognition, is the recognition of the delivery men as workers in a dependency relationship. Currently, delivery companies such as PedidosYa and Rappi keep their workers as monotributistas or directly in the informal sector, denying any employment relationship. And, along with this, denying all labor rights: basic salary, retirement, social work, paid vacations, ART and others. “Almost two years ago we presented all the requirements and the Ministry of Labor has not advanced in the recognition” they denounced from the SITRAREPA to this medium.

“We came to the Consulate demanding the recognition of the union and adding the support of organizations like ours that are organizing around the world.”


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The First International Congress of Platform Workers has been taking place since Monday in California, United States. It brings together delegates from dozens of countries, including workers from new US unions like Amazon and Starbucks. It is a unique experience of its kind, which could lay the first historical foundations for a huge movement of workers that was born a few years ago but is called to remain.




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